Ladies Golf Results —

Fortunately, Winter disappeared so we had a couple of great days of golf.

The results for the Monday 9-hole low net tournament are as follows: First low net winner was Shelly Smith with a score of 29 and second low net went to Jen Farstveet with a score of 36.

The Tuesday morning tournament was Pro’s Posse which is a low net tournament. In the first flight, the first low net winner was Marlea Pointer with a score of 77 and the second low net winner was Melissa Murphy with a score of 80. 

In the second flight, the first low net winner was Adua Boyle with a score 72, and the second low net winner was MaryLou Curti with a score of 75. 

Melissa Murphy had a chip in as well as Marlea Pointer. Marlea continued her winning ways by having the fewest putts with 33 and was closest to the hole on Hole 5 with a distance of 39’8”.

Adua Boyle was closest to the hole on Hole 2 with a distance of 10’5”.