Free OHV inspections in Winnemucca Saturday

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Winnemucca Volunteer Fire Department will give free inspections of Off-Road Vehicles on Saturday July 29 from noon – 5 p.m. at the Winnemucca Fire Department, located at 1078 E Winnemucca Blvd.

The inspection will only take about five minutes, there are no fees or penalties if you need a new spark arrestor. Many wildland fires in the area have been human caused and spark arrestors are a way to prevent sparks from coming out of vehicle exhaust. The cheatgrass is dry and very flammable and the smallest sparks can create a fire this summer, help us prevent wildfires.

Spark arrestors fail for a number of reasons, here’s your chance for a free inspection to have yours checked out.

Don’t miss Smokey Bear at the event greeting everyone and handing out free items!